Trust. It's something that can take years to earn and about one second to lose. It is a key ingredient to every part of our lives. We trust that a chair will hold us up when we sit down, that our car will start when we turn the key, that we will get a paycheck every second Friday, and that our friends will always be there for us. There's a lot of things we put our trust in these days without even giving it a second thought, so why is it that when things happen unexpectedly or we face trials do we sometimes find it hard to trust God even though He has never let us down?
Situations and circumstances have changed and are continuing to change in my life and my family's lives. Suddenly securities we had are no longer there, and from a fleshly perspective the future looks uncertain.
We don't know what tomorrow holds, or next week therefore we can't be in control which is something that us humans don't really like.
During these times I have to remind myself of God's promises to me.
Lets look at a few:
DT 31:8 "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Jer 30:17 "I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the Lord"
Phil 4:19 "And my God will supply all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus"
It's hard to trust God with major things that affect our lives such as finances, our health, relationships and jobs.
Sure we can say that we trust Him but when you actually start walking through some of these troubles, you quickly realize exactly where your trust is or isn't.
Its also in these times where it is good to look back and see where God has brought us from.
I'm sure we can all recall situations in which we seen no hope and now that we have been through them we see that God was at work the whole time.
God is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Heb 13:8)
Therefore if He came through for us then, He will still come through for us today. Sure it's never in our timing or in our way but its always the perfect timing and the perfect way.
I have realized that this summer is going to be one where I go deeper with God and really learn the meaning of trusting Him. He has taken me through so much and is continuing to. I'm not always sure of the why behind it all but I know that He is preparing me for things I will face later in life, or maybe even tomorrow.
When I look back at this point in my life I want to be able to see not how much I doubted or wallowed in self pity but how much I grew in my faith and walk with Jesus.
This might be a tough summer, but I know that I can trust God through everything that my family and I go through, no matter how dim or hopeless the situation looks.
I would like to encourage you all right now, no matter what you are facing God is not to small nor his hand to short to reach you and hold you. You can trust him with your life, rest in his peace knowing he walks along side you every step of the way.
God I lay it all at your feet, Have your way, and help us to keep our eyes on you.