Everyday people ask me how I am doing, and I usually respond with a firm, and smile filled "Good!". But sometimes I get the feeling that not everyone believes thats how I am really feeling. I get this vibe that they think I should be a mess, that I should still be hurting, and that because I don't portray that I must be in some kind of denial. I guess I can see where they are coming from if you look at it through the natural eye. Or maybe they can relate to having a similar situation go on in their lives and they themselves still haven't dealt with it, even after many months. But everyones different, we deal with situations and emotions differently.
All I can say is that God did a MAJOR work in my heart this summer, because I let Him. I gave Him free reign, to remove, uproot, plant, prune, break, make and mold everything within my heart, soul, mind and my very being. It sucked sometimes, it hurt, it made me uncomfortable, it stretched me, and it humbled me. But Through it God made me trust him, surrender, and learn to find myself, my everything in Him. One of the biggest things He did in me was give me the grace to Forgive, over and over. Somedays this was the last thing I wanted to do, but when you hold bitterness and unforgiveness against people, it hinders yourself, not the other people.
From the beginning I decided that I wouldn't hold onto any grudges, hurts or bitterness, all of that I learned to surrender.
One of the big lessons that I learned this summer was that God will move powerfully within us and through us if we allow Him; trusting and knowing that He only has good in store for us. Ultimately that is why I can stand before you and tell you that "I am Good", and the reason I can talk about my summer and not have pain and hurts fill my heart.
I'm not saying that I've completed this process, cause I know I still have lots to learn. Im just saying that God is amazing, He is all powerful, and His ways aren't our ways, and for that I am incredibly thankful.