Above all else guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.” -Prov 4:23-25
This verse has hit me really hard recently. There are a few reality shows on TV that I love to watch. I find it interesting to see how others live their lives, especially those who are rich and famous. One the plane ride home I had watched a show about the latest Hollywood news and after I felt so disgusting. The next day I watched a few episodes of one of my fav reality shows, and felt even grosser after that. I was filling one of my friends in on an episode that I had recently watched and she said “I don’t know what disgusts me more, the fact that it was about that, or the fact that you were watching it” ouch.
It wasn't just her words that hit me heard, but God had already been convicting me about the importance of filling my mind, heart and spirit with God glorifying things. It’s easy to justify sin. It’s easy to say that because I’ve been a Christian my entire life I can watch whatever I want and it won’t affect me. WRONG. It doesn’t matter how seasoned a Christian you are, or how strong you think you are, The devil is looking to tear you apart and even the smallest door is enough for him to burst through.
We are to guard our hearts. This isn't just in the “relational way” We need to guard our hearts from perversity, filthy language, sexual influences, anything that doesn’t bring a smile to Gods face. You can’t expect to watch trashy shows, listen to degrading music and be intimate with God. It doesn’t work that way.
You become what you behold.
I wish this was easy. I wish I could have my cake and eat it too. But its time we start counting the cost of purity, holiness and righteousness and take a stand to guard our hearts, minds, and spirits from the deceitfulness of the enemy.
No matter how big or small this seems to you, its worth taking the time to seek God about.
What is stopping you from walking in total purity and holiness? What is God asking you to cut out of your life? What is the root of the words you say or the thoughts you think? What are you beholding?
“For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” – Matthew 12:34