Recently I’ve been feeling extremely overwhelmed by homework, missing my family, and most recently the unknowns of this summer. I’ve also felt this pressure upon me to do more, be more, speak more, etc, and its wearing me out because I’m not meeting those expectations. As I sat in my room last night and questioned why I was feeling this way, I was reminded of something I heard at lifegroup on Thursday. We talked about false assumptions about our life’s purpose and this one hit me hard.
“False: Your life’s mission is similar to that of your peers”
Now I realize that everyone has their own mission, calling, niche and that It’s unfair to compare one another because we are all different. But it’s easy to compare “works”, “accomplishments” and “plans”, to the point of forgetting what God has laid in front of you.
One of my main resolutions for 2011 is to be myself, and I’ve overcome the “physical” side of this, where I no longer do things out of the need to people please, but there is still the mental side of this.
When you feel the need to become more involved in ministry simply because the people around you are: STOP.
When you feel like you’re useless because your waiting to hear where God is wanting to take you, and the people around you already know: STOP.
When you feel like you are going no where in life because the people around you all have life plans and you don’t:STOP.
Breathe. and then breathe again, because although we are all on the same mission, we are on different roads, mean’t to accomplish different goals. No one is better than another, we are a team.
God has laid out a specific plan for each of his children, none of them are comparable, none of them are more or less important than another. We are all equal.
Having said that…that doesn’t leave room for excuses to sit on your butt and do nothing.
Seek God out for his priorities for your life. Ask for vision, and then strength to work towards and accomplish the goals He has set before you. Ask for discernment to know which expectations are Gods and which ones are man imposed.
Ask. Seek. Knock…..hard & relentlessly.
He will answer- I believe that with all my heart.