The problem with Bible School is that there is this unsaid pressure to be in a relationship with someone, or at least have someone in mind who you want to be with. If you don’t have either you’re put in this box of “poor girl, I hope she finds someone someday”. I am so sick of living in a society where if you don’t have someone pursuing you you’re required to change and make yourself into someone who is “pursue-able”
No way. Not a chance. Not me.
I will not change a thing about myself with the intention of becoming “more attractive”. I will not go out of my way to put myself on the path of someone else in hopes that they will want to be with me. I will not stand in line for any guy and I will definitely not stop walking down the path that God has placed me on, in order to “find the one”.
I am not the girl you pick out of the line up of girls. I am not the girl you can text along with a string of others. I am not the girl who waits in line, hoping to get a chance with you. I do not want to be anyone’s exception, because the man God created for me won’t be able to compare me to anyone else. There won’t be an inner battle over whether he should be with me or so-and-so. I will be the only, most excellent and perfect match for him. In his eyes, no one will even come close to my beauty, passion, heart and character.
To some that may seem conceited, but I’m tired of feeling like I have to settle for someone who views me as just another number in his phone. I will wait as long as it takes, because I will never settle for a guy who sees me as a girl (in his long list of girls) who he will make an exception for. No thank you, please move along.