Lately I've been thinking a lot about beauty and have been questioning the reasons behind socially acceptable ideas of it. When you turn on the TV you are bombarded by commercials boasting the latest beauty creams, treatments, hair, clothing, and weight loss programs.
The media is constantly telling us that we aren't good enough.
Where in the bible does it say that wrinkles aren't beautiful?
Who decided that a size 2 waist is more attractive than a size 10?
Who decided that even though God created us white, we should spend tons of money on skin tanning treatments, or subject ourselves to dangerous amounts of sun for the purpose of being darker?
Who decided that rock hard abs are to be desired over love handles?
Who decided that we should participate in fads and that if we don't we're somehow lesser?
Who decided that the way God made us isn't good enough, and therefore needs to be helped out?
Our bodies are temples and we are required to treat them as such, but i'm to the point where I'm asking these questions and figuring out what is really important in Gods eyes.
I want to be a part of a generation that grasps the importance of inner beauty and spends more time on that than on keeping up with society's constant demands for perfection. I want to see the people of my generation set an example to the generations behind us of what it looks like to walk out beauty in a way that brings God glory. I think it's important to question what society feeds us, because the majority of it is so far off from what God's point of view is. Bottom line: Be You