Sunday, September 6, 2009


Well September is already 6 days upon me, and within those six days a lot has gone on.
It's been a week of going through a whole new process. Old memories, Old hurts, Old situations that I'd rather not recall, continued to fill my mind. I think that when something so huge ends in your life God likes to deal with every part of it, thus bringing up memories, allowing me to continue to forgive and let go. Don't get me wrong, I am definetly not hanging on, which is probably why this process has gone pretty smooth and rather fast.
I have received so much encouragement from the people here. I can't even count the amount of times I have been told that 1. I look so different 2. I have more joy then last year 3.I seem so free. It's not my best friends sayin these things either, it's people who I didn't get a chance to know till this past week. These words have confirmed so much in me, and encouraged me immensly.
I've also struggled this week with why I am here, and what am I goin to do with what I am learning here. Ive noticed that that becomes a lot more important when a large amount of money is involved. Money. I have zero dollars for next semester.
Finances is something I have never had to worry about till now. But even now I know that God has brought me here for a reason, and it's not to see me drop out because of something so stupid as money.
This summer has been about Trusting God, and this school year is goin to continue that theme. It's goin to be tough, trying, testing, but it's going to increase my faith and dependence on the 1 true God. Therefore I look forward, not with dread, but eager expectation of what God is going to do.
This year at is going to be amazing, and thats probably an understatement.

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