Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Faith. Something I thought I knew a lot about. Something I thought I had a good grasp on. Something I thought I had a lot of, boy was I wrong.
In the last few weeks everything I have put my trust and faith in has been stripped away and amounted to nothing, especially in the area of finances.
Paying for school thus far has been pretty easy because I worked for a year after school and earned enough to pay it off myself. This semester is different. I have no money. Knowing this was coming I banked on a good return on my income tax, only to find out it will only cover a fraction of it, which I am thankful for, but again realized that I was trusting in something other than Jesus Christ. How quickly I misplace my trust.
On a different note, I got a job! I am so excited to work, yet there is this knowing in my spirit that even though I earn money this way it is not my ultimate source of provision.
There are no other options, there is no one to bail me out, there is only Jesus and His promise to provide. Thankfully thats all I need, it's enough. This is faith; being brought to a place where you have no other choice but to believe and live your life trusting and knowing that God is who He says He is and that He will do what He says He'll do.
It's hard and not really fun at all, atleast not at the moment!
I'm on a faith journey, one that has taught me a lot in short amount of time, and stretched my faith farther then it's ever been. It's a good place, it's scary and sometimes uncertain. But I believe that God works powerfully in hearts that are layed bare before Him, and surrendered to what He is doing.
Lord keep me on my knees, because I know it is there that I will meet you face to face.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It's on days like these that I'm reminded that everything is going to work out the way it's supposed to.
and that's a good thing.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Be still my soul, be still.

Is it truly possible to surrender and to let go of the things I seem to be holding onto so tightly?!
Do I really believe that God can work things out if I let him take control?
If I know God only has good for me, then why can't I rest?
Either my flesh needs to experience some serious death! or these are infact Godly desires and He will work them out in His timing, which I need to learn to rest in.
Lord please teach me to be still.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Less is more

This picture describes my current state of mind perfectly.
I thought my life was going one way and the next thing I know, it's done a loop and is now headed somewhere else. Destination Unknown.
Where's my trust?
Where's my hope?
I only know 1 thing for certain: God is Faithful.
This 1 truth is what's holding me together.