Thursday, April 21, 2011

I got misty eyes as they said farewell.


Everything about the past week has been stretching for me. From leading at the Grad ceremonies to leading a tour team.  It’s been a week of new experiences, goodbyes and hard work. The semester is over, and now it’s onto tour. Tomorrow morning I fully depart from my comfort zone for 3 weeks…just the thought of it makes my heart jump from both fear and excitement. I’ll be leading worship in unfamiliar places, speaking in front of people I don’t know and continuing to figure out how to be a great leader. After only 3 days of practice, I feel like I have already changed and grown so much, surely 3 weeks will transform me.

I’m scared.             I’m excited                      I’m ready                 

  I’m anxious              I’m freaking out.      

Here we go.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Is Your Allegiance Clear?


As many of you probably know, it’s playoffs season. I’m not a big hockey fan but something I have noticed over the past few days as I have been out and about is how easy it is to tell who the big fans are and exactly who they are cheering on or representing. As I sat in church today and observed those wearing Canucks jerseys it got me thinking: if we can clearly display our hockey team allegiances how much more should we be clearly displaying our allegiance to Christ? There is no question in my mind when I see a Canucks jersey that that person is cheering for the Canucks. I don’t wonder if they are actually an Ottawa or Toronto fan because their allegiance is clear.

As you walk the streets where God has planted you is your allegiance to Him clear? Or do people question which side you are on? In my opinion, if you are a professing Christian there shouldn’t be anything in your life that would make someone think otherwise. That may seem too cut and dry for some people but would a Canucks fan wear a Toronto jersey?! Never. So why as Christians would we want to dress ourselves in an “allegiance” other than that of Jesus Christ?

+ Be bold with your faith friends, and see it as an honour to carry the name of Jesus to a lost and dying world. Wear “Christ” clearly and courageously, not just on Sundays, but every day that you are given breath.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Slow Down Friends..


Things are changing, leaving me with new beginnings and hard to deal with endings. I feel like I've been shoved to the front of the stage and I’m frozen, too afraid to move or speak but knowing I have to. Time is running out and the list of things to do is only slowly getting shorter. I don’t have time to breathe because the next step is right in front of me and beyond that everything is rather hazy. It’s so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of life and forget to just stop and wait on God. We live in a society that looks down upon waiting, and promotes instant gratification, but that’s not how God’s Kingdom functions. The faster we realize that the better.  As I look at my life and the lives of my generation I see a serious case of ADD. We have become accustomed to always doing something-  listening to music, tweeting, facebooking, texting, checking email, surfing the net or talking.

It’s become hard for me to focus long enough to pray, read my bible, and listen to the still small voice of my Father.

This is the time in my life where my decisions are especially important and have a huge influence on my future. How do I expect to make the best choice when I’m not even taking time to converse with the planner of my life?   The reality is, if we don’t slow down ourselves, God will do it for us, and it most likely won’t be pretty. Oh God, teach us to fear your name.

Slow down friends,

Don’t let your schedule become so full that you forget what it feels like to hear His voice, connect with His spirit, and feel His arms around you. Spending time in Jesus’ presence is the most important thing you can do today.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I don’t want to be your exception.

The problem with Bible School is that there is this unsaid pressure to be in a relationship with someone, or at least have someone in mind who you want to be with. If you don’t have either you’re put in this box of “poor girl, I hope she finds someone someday”. I am so sick of living in a society where if you don’t have someone pursuing you you’re required to change and make yourself into someone who is “pursue-able”

No way. Not a chance. Not me.

I will not change a thing about myself with the intention of becoming “more attractive”. I will not go out of my way to put myself on the path of someone else in hopes that they will want to be with me. I will not stand in line for any guy and I will definitely not stop walking down the path that God has placed me on, in order to “find the one”.

I am not the girl you pick out of the line up of girls. I am not the girl you can text along with a string of others. I am not the girl who waits in line, hoping to get a chance with you. I do not want to be anyone’s exception, because the man God created for me won’t be able to compare me to anyone else. There won’t be an inner battle over whether he should be with me or so-and-so. I will be the only, most excellent and perfect match for him. In his eyes, no one will even come close to my beauty, passion, heart and character.

To some that may seem conceited, but I’m tired of feeling like I have to settle for someone who views me as just another number in his phone. I will wait as long as it takes, because I will never settle for a guy who sees me as a girl (in his long list of girls) who he will make an exception for.  No thank you, please move along.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I’m not called to comfortable.


Somewhere along the line  I made the unconscious decision to walk through the doors of opportunity that require the most risk, that will cause the most stretching and ultimately will require the most faith and reliability on God.  I can’t remember when I decided this, (or perhaps it has just intensified as of late), but this fearlessness has taken over my heart and I no longer want to do what is safe, comfortable and secure. I’m not talking about being foolish, I’m talking about being in the center of God’s will, no longer fearing being inadequate, but having faith that God has and will continue to equip me to everything He has and will call me to. It’s scary, uncertain, and risky, but at the same time it’s exhilarating, fulfilling and an unbelievably exciting adventure.

I have one life to live, I am not going to waste it on something comfortable. I want to risk it all, I want to jump without seeing what’s at the bottom, I want to swim as far as I can, without fearing what might be lurking in the deep waters.   I want to live, truly live.

Lord, I find life in your mystery.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

..right here is where I belong.


Some days I question whether I am really cut out for this. Then I am reminded that If I always felt like I could do this, I would never grow, never need faith and most importantly I would never need to rely on God. What kind of life would that even be?!  I’m stepping out into new territory and it scares the heck out of me.  I often feel way under equipped but that seems to be the best place to find myself. It’s in this place that I refuse to live up to anyone’s standard except God’s alone.  I will not compromise what’s important for what is considered “cool” or “edgy”. That’s never been me, and it never will be. I have so much to learn.

Welcome to Leadership Development 101, Jess.