Sunday, April 17, 2011

Is Your Allegiance Clear?


As many of you probably know, it’s playoffs season. I’m not a big hockey fan but something I have noticed over the past few days as I have been out and about is how easy it is to tell who the big fans are and exactly who they are cheering on or representing. As I sat in church today and observed those wearing Canucks jerseys it got me thinking: if we can clearly display our hockey team allegiances how much more should we be clearly displaying our allegiance to Christ? There is no question in my mind when I see a Canucks jersey that that person is cheering for the Canucks. I don’t wonder if they are actually an Ottawa or Toronto fan because their allegiance is clear.

As you walk the streets where God has planted you is your allegiance to Him clear? Or do people question which side you are on? In my opinion, if you are a professing Christian there shouldn’t be anything in your life that would make someone think otherwise. That may seem too cut and dry for some people but would a Canucks fan wear a Toronto jersey?! Never. So why as Christians would we want to dress ourselves in an “allegiance” other than that of Jesus Christ?

+ Be bold with your faith friends, and see it as an honour to carry the name of Jesus to a lost and dying world. Wear “Christ” clearly and courageously, not just on Sundays, but every day that you are given breath.

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