Sunday, January 8, 2012

you still get my heart racing...

I can't believe how fast this year is already flying by! The past 8 days have contained more love, thinking, heartache, family, and joy than some people experience in a lifetime.  I spent the past 3 weeks in Manitoba with my family and it was such an amazing time. It wasn't anything like we expected it to be and if we could we would all go back and change the circumstances -but God knows whats best and we don't. It's unfortunate that it takes death to bring people together, but that seems to be the way that life goes.

Death is tough no matter how close or far you are from the person.
Death puts life into perspective faster than anything else.
Death separates what's important from whats not important
Death makes you think about purpose, eternity and how fragile life is.

As I sat at the funeral for my aunt I couldn't help but think about heaven, healing and my faith.  How does someone recover from the loss of their spouse? How can they possibly go on in any state of normalcy? Without grace, patience, perseverance, love and time they can't.  I am so thankful that God is so patient with his children and that no matter what circumstances come their way he is there to hold, guide, comfort, and strengthen. He is so so good to us, no matter what.

Needless to say this year is going to be nothing like I expect it to be - it already hasn't been.  I welcome this with open arms trusting that God indeed does know what is best for his children.  I haven't set any resolutions because honestly they seem pretty meaningless and I'm tired of trying, in my own strength, to become someone I think I should be.  Instead I have chosen to simply "seek first the kingdom.." - everything else will fall into place.

Heres to 2012 - the best is yet to be.

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