Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hello October

What a way to start off a new month. It's incredible the amount of things that have been happening in my life the past couple days. This past week was the beginning of a new year on the Jewish calendar, Gods calendar, and I feel as though I have definetly entered into a new season, a new year in my life. First let me tell of the amazing provision of Jesus. I have been avoiding checking my bank account for fear of discouragement over the fact that I didn't have enough money to pay the semester off. But after about a month of that I finally decided to check it. Lo and Behold I recieved a random cheque from the company I worked for this summer. Im not sure if it was for vacation pay or what and quite frankly I don't really care! All I know is that put me with enough money to pay my first semester bill!!!! I thank God everyday for the fact that His word and His promises never change.
All week I have been preparing for leading worship today in chapel. It was such an incredible time of worship, and just basking in Jesus' presence and allowing the truths of who He is to soak my heart. Leading up to today, I am still blown away by the support and love and encourgement that those around me have showered me with. It's amazing to be living in a place where people can see your potential, and not only see it but then speak and sow into it. PLBC family, YOU ARE AMAZING! I couldn't imagine my life without each and every one of you.
This month has recieved quite the kickoff, and I already have plans to end it with a bang!
Over and Over God is continuing to reveal Himself to me, and allowing me to go deeper and deeper in my relationship with Him. I can't explain the uncontrollable joy, the hope, faith and trust! God YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!
Today as we finished off chapel, I couldnt stop smiling when I heard this line play in the background:
"All of my life, in every season,
You are still God,
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship"
Amen :)

1 comment:

  1. You are so Beautiful, and your relationship with God reflects that :)
    i love you
