Thursday, October 15, 2009

I see your face in every sunrise...

Today was a day that I have been anticipating for the past week and a half.
We had all worship chapel this week, and it was more amazing then I had thought it could be!
God has gifted everyone here in an amazing way, and its so cool to see all those gifts come together for one purpose, to worship Jesus!
From worship to a testimonie to rapping to a drime, it all came together so beautifully and powerfully.
I was part of the Everything (Lifehouse) drime that we did. I was the lead character. I've seen the skit numerous times and every time it brings me to tears. So when I was asked I excitedly agreed, not realizing what I was actually getting into.
Not only did it take a huge physical toll on me, it definetly took a spiritual and emotional one as well.
I really wanted to be in character for this, but I have never felt seperated from God, nor have i cut myself, or drank alcohol. So i was asking God to really put this heavy on my heart so that I could bring forth the emotions and expressions that would make it real.
God spoke to me lastnight, and really put it into perspective. I may not know what it's like for myself to be far from God but I do know the pain of my family or friends being far from Him.
This skit was warfare. I fought hard, and I fought for them. For those who are struggling with these issues, those that are too weak to get through the barriers that stand between them and and their Redeemer.
It was hard, it was tough, and i felt the pain that came from the struggle.
But just when I thought i couldnt take anymore, One look from Jesus gave me the strength to get up one more time, only to be thrown down again.
But this time I didn't have to get up.
Jesus stepped in, took my pain upon himself, defeated my enemies, dusted me off and pulled me close.
This is the God I serve.
His hand is extended to you. The fight is hard, but its worth it.
No matter what youve done, His love doesn't change.
His arm's are wide open.

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