Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lets be serious.

I've been reading a book lately by Myles Munroe called "Single, Married, Separated & Life after Divorce. It's really given me a new perspective on the true meaning of being "single" (which is the state of being a unique, whole person, and has nothing to do with your relationship status) and it's taught me why relationships should be taken seriously. Not that I didn't know that already, but it's good to have reminders.
Heres an excerpt from Chapter 11.

"You men who are not yet married, please take heed to this revelation. If you are unmarried, be quick to hear and slow to speak. Do not lead women on and play games with their emotions. Make up your mind not to make a move unless you are ready to die for the commitment. In other words, don't join the army until you are prepared to die and never defect (forsake). Before you start chasing, make sure she is someone you can chase until death do you part. Today, a lot of women are out there advertising, but you men must decide "Is she chaseable to the grave"?
Check out everything. Most of all, ask God. Seek His Will."

And women, you do the same.

For both sexes, it is important to know that chasing someone who looks nice is apt to be decieving. What looks nice now may not in ten years, or may not when you see her without makeup or him with a full beard and unwashed after a hard days work. Love someone because of their attitude, character, inner spirit being--all the things that will not change."

I feel like people don't take relationships seriously these days. I live in a town full of teens who go from guy to guy and have children with more than one of them, yet they aren't even together anymore.
But I don't just see the abuse of relationships in the secular world...I see it at Bible school too. Guys chase girls without intending to marry them, and girls lead guys on because they like the attention. We flirt like it makes no difference in the other persons life. But i'm sick of it!
Within the past couple months I've been starting to think of relationships and guy/girl interaction with a new perspective. I've had my head and heart messed with more than Id like to admit and I don't want that to happen anymore, not to me, not to anyone.
Lets start to respect ourselves and the people around us. Don't flirt with someone unless you intend to pursue them, and don't pursue them unless you intend to marry them. 'Cause if you don't intend to marry that girl or guy then you are messing with someone elses husband or wife.
and thats not cool.

Heb 10:24 "Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds"
Romans 12:10 "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves"

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