Friday, September 9, 2011

Upon September's arrival, I quickly realized that a new season was upon me. I've transitioned from season to season many times but something about this one is different. I have been graciously given new responsibilities that come with a lot of unknowns and I am required  to stretch past who I am and step up into a place I've never been.  Deep down, I love this.  Moving forward, taking territory and completing tasks that seem impossible is ingrained in the very fibre of my being. I love walking into a new opportunity totally scared, because it leaves me depending solely upon Christ. But for some reason this season hit me like a ton of bricks and has left me in a pile of panic, anxiety and unrest.

Things are starting to become lighter as I learn to take it day by day, and I am thankful to have friends who speak into my life at the perfect times, reminding me of God's truths.
A few days ago I read an article by Christine Caine and it perfectly describes where I am at and is exactly what I needed to hear. Here is an excerpt from it:

"I have found that each new endeavor and initiative I undertake requires me to stretch further than I ever have before, in order to grow into a place that I have never been before.
Stretching is often painful until it becomes normal and comfortable. It is a process and requires initial levels of extreme discomfort. But I have found if I simply persevere, breathe through the pain, and trust God, that the circumstances I am faced with help me to become who I need to be in order to do what I have been called to do; I invariably come through the other side enlarged and able.Changing the world requires from us more than where we are right now. We have to remember that as we embrace the stretch, we cannot snap. The goal is to increase in increments, take the next step, and get comfortable with that stretch...and then take the next one."

Here we go.

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