Saturday, January 15, 2011

You may fall, but I swear that I’ll help you believe.

Something that I often struggle with is the disconnect between my dreams and where God currently has me. In the midst of it, its hard to see how they are supposed to connect and be fulfilled.

This morning I began to read the account of Joseph’s life. Like me, he was a dreamer. He had crazy dreams. He dreamt of ruling over his brothers and them bowing down to him. He boldly told his brothers exactly what he dreamt because he knew it was going to happen. There was no doubt in his mind that these dreams were straight from heaven and that in the perfect timing they would be fulfilled.

When God casts vision over our lives and gives us dreams that are beyond ourselves, we are always put to the test. It was the same in Joseph’s day. He didn’t get these dreams and see them fulfilled without first going through trials, pain and prison.

His brothers sold him to the Ishmaelites who then sold him to Potiphar in Egypt. Do you think that Joseph was excited about this? Do you think he was rejoicing saying: "Yes my dreams are being fulfilled!”? I doubt it. His brothers had just betrayed him and now he was in a foreign land with foreign people and the problems didn’t stop there. Joseph was then falsely accused of trying to sleep with Potiphar’s wife and was thrown in prison. I’m sure questions arose “why would my brothers bow to me in here? How will I ever rule?”

In the midst of the trials it’s hard to see the end result, actually its nearly impossible!.

But if we look fully at Joseph's story we see that God used each trial that he went through to prepare him for his destiny. Even in prison God granted him favour and the prison warden put Him in charge of the prisoners.  He later goes on to become the governor of the land and his dreams are fulfilled exactly how God told him they would be.
Joseph never gave up on his dreams, He never let discouragement and doubt creep in and take him off course. He just lived his life, and allowed God to work through him in every situation and state he found himself in. 

Lesson: Never doubt in the dark what God revealed to you in the light. No matter how distant or impossible the dreams that God has given you seem, continue to be diligent where He has placed you and one day you’ll be able to look back and see how each step and each opportunity has prepared you for your destiny.

Never stop dreaming. Never stop believing. Never lose hope.

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” –Genesis 50:20