Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I choose to forgive.

I've learned a lot about forgiveness lately. I`ve come to realize that it means a lot more and it goes a lot deeper into the spiritual realms then we think.
There are many people I know who are living in unforgiveness even toward people who they don`t actually know. Does their unforgiveness affect that person? It does to a certain extent but in reality it is affecting themselves way more. Bring up that person to them and their tone changes, or they don't even want to talk about it. This isn't right nor is it healthy.

I don't know if we can really understand the power of forgivness until we are faced with situations and people that hurt us. It's easy to hang onto the wounded feelings or the "how could they do that to me?", "I can't let them get away with this" attitude. Entertaining these thoughts and allowing them to take root in our spirits is where bitterness and anger begin to creep in.
Sure we can justify our actions and make ourselves comfortable with our attitudes but on the day that the Lord returns we're going to have to give account for every wrong attitude, motive and judgement. There's not going to be anyone to blame but ourselves. Therefore we must, we must, we must, make sure that our hearts are right before God right now, no matter what so and so has done, or what they have said. God is concerned about you, and your relationship with Him, He will take care of the ones who have done you wrong.

Let's look at how Jesus dealt with this.
He was beaten, spit on, totally humiliated, rejected, falsely charged, and the very people he loved and came to the earth to die for CRUCIFIED HIM! If anyone in this world had the right to be offended, and angry it was Jesus. Instead he said:

"Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing"
-Luke 23:34
Wow. what an amazing example He has set for us today. What would it have accomplished if he had lashed out at them, or called them names, or defended himself. Absolutely nothing. It would have only hindered Him and His mission.
There have been a lot of memories flowing through my mind the last couple weeks, most of them being painful to recall. I haven't necessarily dealt with them in the right way until recently. God spoke to me and challenged me that everytime a hurtful moment comes to mind, I need say "I forgive that person for doing (whatever it was) to me". In hebrew/greek translations forgiveness means to "send away, or release". This is so true, I've come to realize that each time I say I forgive, the pain, anger and disappointment from that situation is released and gone, never to return again. I also feel that I have released the people as well.
It's seriously transformed my emotions and literally my life!.
Unforgiveness and all that comes with it binds us, and stops us from being able to move forward in every area of our lives. It's really not worth it.
I know that it isn't easy and I definetly don't have it all figured out, but I'd encourage you to allow God to search your heart and if need be reveal people and situations where you are harboring unforgiveness, and deal with it right away. Then watch how God moves in your life!
Theres so much more that could be said on this topic, but I'll end with a verse that puts it all into perspective.
"If you forgive men when they sin against you,
your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
But if you do not forgive men their sins,
your Father will not forgive your sins."
-Matt 6:14,15

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