Monday, June 14, 2010

All I know is I find rest in You.

I've been home for a week now, and it's been a week of friends, goodbyes and new beginnings. I feel at home here, even though my family is miles away and some of my closest friends are even farther. God's been teaching me a lot since returning from tour. The first thing Hes been teaching me is to get my priorities straight, seems they get out of place when you spend 5 weeks in a van. Re-prioritizing mainly means looking at where my time is spent. Is what I put the most time into advancing the Kingdom? Or just a mindless filler? It also means looking at what I want to accomplish, where I want to grow and change and aligning that with the way I spend my time. It seems quite easy and logical when I look at it this way but unfortunately some of those mindless fillers have become habits that are hard to break. Thankfully, with God's strength I can overcome them and get back on track!. Only I can change the things in my life that need improvement. If I want to be good at songwriting, I need to spend time writing. If I want to get better at the piano, I need to spend time practicing. No ones going to do it for me, and I have no grounds on which to complain about my lack in these areas, its my choice.
Needless to say, I've had a few hard doses of reality lately, and it's been tough but muchly needed because it causes me to become a better me.
I am excited for this summer, I have no clue what it will all bring but I know it will be incredible and that each day I will become more and more the woman that God has intended me to be :)

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