Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Walking on Water.

This past week has been one of being incredibly challenged. God’s been revealing myself to me. Certain thought patterns that I have put myself through and continue to, somehow hoping to get a different outcome, but of course it never happens. God began talking to me about this as I walked to church on Sunday and It hit me like a ton of bricks.

The cycle needs to be broken.

The cycle of needing to be in control, of thinking that God needs my help to figure certain things out. A pattern of impatience that gives up hope before hopes been given a chance. A struggle of frustration, because what I wanted to happen isn’t happening in the way I want it to. Essentially I needed me broken, my own will. If I don’t break out of the cycle I’ll stay in the same spot forever.

But this time it has to be different, because God is doing a new thing, and the patterns of the past no longer cut it, not that they ever did anyways.

This semester I am in Freedom Session and I have been made aware of how I deal with pain, and how I have trained myself to be guarded and to protect myself, even in areas and at times where its not needed. This is what the cycles in my life are. They have been created out of my past hurts, and situations where I believed that I didn’t measure up and therefore I had to change or become better.

But God is for me, and He calls me his beloved daughter, therefore I don’t have to change for anyone but Him, I don’t have to please anyone but Him. I don’t have to live for anyone but Him. I can be whole, and complete in Him, because when that happens then everything else falls into place.

I don’t have to worry about what the future holds, or who is going to be involved in it. God works out those things on my behalf as I seek him first and foremost. He doesn’t need my help, He can do a better job of my life when I get out of the way and let him do what he does best! God is moving and I chose to move with him. Theres no time to waste in my old cycles of life.

Here’s the thing Satan, you lied to me, and I believed it. But Jesus has exposed it and therefore it no longer has a hold on my life. The cycle is broken in Jesus name and there’s nothing you can do about it. SUCKA!

I am changed because of Your love for me.


  1. This is absolutely beautiful. I love it. =) Keep pressing forward into His identity and promises. God is prepping us for something new. We are on the brink of something huge!!!

  2. I'm so glad that you're entering the time of healing after so much work! I'm really proud of you.
