Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Your love never runs out on me.

I want you to think about the people in your life that annoy you. The ones you can’t stand to be around, the ones who know exactly how to agitate you. The ones you avoid or ignore. The ones who you aren’t really friends with, but they seem to think you are best buds, but you’d rather they just leave you alone.

What if today you received news that they were killed in a car accident? Or they were so severely injured that it’s a miracle their heart is still pumping?

How does that change your perspective of them? The next time you saw them would you start a conversation instead of turning around to avoid them?

If no one is beyond the love of Christ, why do we treat them as if they are? Why does it take a tragedy to really make us reconsider what is important in life and who is important?  Life isn’t guaranteed. The people you rub shoulders with daily or talk to weekly-today could be the last time.

These kinds of questions have been running through my mind non-stop the past 12 hours. How would I treat people differently If I knew that today was the last time I’d see them? I’ve come to realize that I take life for granted. For some reason I think that I have all the time in the world to impact peoples lives, to say hi to them, to show them the love of Christ. But that's not always the case.

Today and everyday I want to make the most of every conversation, especially with those who I’ve avoided in the past. I’m not going to run myself ragged trying to talk to every single person I see, but if God opens a door of opportunity I’m going to take it, and make the most of it, because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.

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