Monday, November 1, 2010

You're valuable, and you don’t even know it.

My heart aches so bad right now. Its so broken and hurting especially for those who I hold dear. I can’t look at certain peoples pictures because they bring me to tears. I know this girl, she’s so beautiful, talented and amazing but she has no clue of her worth. She doesn’t know how incredibly loved she is, and that that love has nothing to do with sex. She doesn’t know how valuable she is and that God sees her as worth dying for. There are a lot of people in my life that have such great potential but they are settling for lives that are way less that God has for them. It’s sad. The hard thing for me is that the only thing I can do other than make the most of every conversation is to pray for them. This is a point of discouragement in my life. I don’t know how to pray for these people, I love them so incredibly much but words fail me. I think a lot of it stems from being far away from them and never seeing the situations get any better. I’ve lost motivation, which is downright terrible.

God renew my passion for my loved ones. Teach me how to intercede for them in a way that isn’t infiltrated with doubt. Cause my faith to arise, and my trust in Your promises to be unrelenting. Let Your all consuming passion overtake me until I pray without ceasing and without thinking about it. Let it be an overflow of my heart.

I love you.

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